Investment Advisory

A World class service for sophisticated investors who wish to have personalized advice in a portfolio context


  • A World class service for sophisticated investors who wish to have active support and personalized advice in a portfolio context

As your investment advisor, Granfeld will provide you with personalized investment recommendations, subject to your risk profile and in line with your investment objectives.


The starting point is an in-depth and complete analysis of the investor's needs, including the Risk Profile. We examine both quantitative and qualitative aspects of risk. We simulate scenarios and formulate expectations.

  • With prudence as our guiding principle we define the investment objective, design the Strategic Asset Allocation and implement the suitable strategy

In line with our investment philosophy, we follow a multi-asset class approach and advise on fixed income, equities, non-traditional investments and foreign exchange. We consider all investment instruments available and make recommendations on direct investments (bonds and equities), structured products, collective investments such as ETFs and funds.

  • Personalised and independent advice in a portfolio context

Granfeld is an independent investment firm and has no restrictions on the product providers that it evaluates. We have an open architecture approach and the years of experience in the investment field make us an expert in the fund selection and monitoring process.

  • We are proactive. We aim to offer personalized investment advise anticipating events, not reacting to them

We update investors on market developments and analyse changing conditions. Yet advise, and risk, should be seen from the portfolio perspective. Our advisory solution includes portfolio monitoring as well, making this a truly customized solution.


The firm can provide access to first class research via its relationships with renowned banking institutions. Regular and ad hoc meetings complement the exclusivity of the service.

  • Reception and Transmission of orders

Granfeld is authorized to offer the investment service of Reception and Transmission of orders. Upon agreement and conditions this service can also be incorporated into our Investment Advisory Service.